Quiet Professionals Keeps Watchful Eye on Santa’s Magical Trip Around the Globe

Some people see Santa Claus as a made-up story. However, we at Quiet Professionals know the truth: Santa Claus is really one of us, a Quiet Professional. While the story of Santa Claus is often portrayed less than accurately, the true story of Santa Claus is an inspiring tale of heroism involving service to others, bravery, dedication, situational awareness, and superior intelligence. We here at Quiet …

Jumping the S-Curve: Big Data 

Jumping the S-Curve is the Quiet Professionals’ video series on continuing to adopt and push innovation and take massive disruptive action to affect change within both the commercial and government sectors, with a focus on geospatial location-based intelligence, open-source intelligence, and bringing artificial intelligence to the tactical edge. In this episode, Malachi talks about how it’s …

Quiet Professionals, LLC Achieves ESRI Release Ready Specialty Partner Status

Written by Leo Kryszewski, Chief Business Development Officer, Quiet Professionals, LLC Quiet Professionals, LLC (QP) recently achieved Esri’s “Release Ready” specialty designation, adding to our ever-expanding corporate accolades. The Release Ready specialty designation is reserved for Esri partners consistently demonstrating the ability to keep pace with Esri technology, expertise, and the community by helping users …

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