Informed Decision-Making in Complex Environments

Quantum Fusion

Ingest, Enrich, Act

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Enrichment Workflows That Feed Our Suite of Products

Quantum Fusion

Quantum Fusion is a real-time, data-fusion engine that integrates unstructured and structured data from diverse sources, including IoT sensors, social media, and dark web platforms. Using advanced techniques like machine translation and Natural Language Processing, it provides instant data enrichment, enabling comprehensive situational awareness and actionable insights. Quantum Fusion closes data gaps, empowering organizations with crucial real-time analysis for informed decision-making in complex environments.

  • Real-time threat awareness with a common operating picture 
  • AI/ML informed decision making 
  • Provides valuable capabilities for a wide range of users across the organization 
  • Derive context from content using intuitive and operational dashboards and lightweight applications 

Offering a Complete & Up-to-Date picture of the situation at hand

By integrating diverse data sources, Quantum Fusion unlocks the potential of publicly available information (PAI), revolutionizing decision-making and enhancing understanding. Its advanced analytics and real-time data enrichment provide a comprehensive and current picture, enabling swift and effective responses to emerging challenges and opportunities, making it invaluable for strategic planning and operational effectiveness.


Collecting Data From Diverse Sources


Enhancing Data for Deeper Insights


Implementing Data-Driven Decisions

Integrate analytical results from Quantum Fusion data using Gavel, or use ArcGIS visualization capabilities to distribute data-driven conclusions at all command levels.

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