Welcome to Quiet Professionals’ step-by-step instructions on how to order our products and services using the General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule.
Please see the following video for an explanation of what the GSA schedule is and why government ordering officers should use it, along with step-by-step instructions on:
- How to research products and services listed on the GSA Schedule at GSA eLibrary
- How to understand the Federal Supply Schedule document
- How to order products and services using the GSA Advantage website
Following the video are line-by-line instructions and screenshots on how to sign up for our products and services.
Quiet Professionals is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) accessible via the GSA Schedule at the GSA Advantage website for ease of acquisition at the federal, state, and local level.
We are also an Esri ArcGIS reseller. The example given below shows how to order a software license for an Esri ArcGIS product.
You can contact Quiet Professionals and our Chief of Staff Leo Kryszewski, the primary point of contact for the GSA Schedule at Quiet Professionals, about ordering our products and services as follows:
Quiet Professionals
2701 North Rocky Point Drive, Suite 500
Tampa, FL 33607-5998
Our general telephone number is 813-902-3557.
To reach Mr. Kryszewski directly, call 813-902-3557 ext. 102.
To make an order or ask questions about an order, email us at contracts@quietprofessionalsllc.com.
For more information about our company, including our areas of expertise, business information, and updates: quietprofessionalsllc.com
Table of Contents
Welcome to Quiet Professionals’ step-by-step instructions on signing up for our products and services via the GSA (General Services Administration) Schedule.
The Quiet Professionals’ primary point of contact for the GSA Schedule and all GSA-related business is Mr. Leo Kryszewski, Chief of Staff.
Through the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 12 – Acquisition of Commercial Items, the GSA Schedule enables companies to bring commercial products and services to the government through a contract vehicle, the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS).
Under the MAS categories, individual products are assigned a Special Item Number (SIN). Once a customer has the product’s GSA SIN, it is easy to research providers, order the product, and negotiate prices.
Local, state, and federal government customers, including the Department of Defense (DoD) can order GSA Schedule products with a minimum of paperwork.
Product research can be performed on the GSA Schedule without an account, making the research process easy. Search criteria can limit a search to small businesses only, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code, and more.
GSA is available for customers who do not have a contracting office; no contracting officer representation is required. GSA is itself a full-service contracting office for its customers.
Quiet Professionals has many SINs, labor categories, and products available via the GSA Schedule.
Specifically, Quiet Professionals sells many Esri products and services. Quiet Professionals is one of only a few companies authorized to sell Esri licensing, technology, and products on the GSA Schedule.
Quiet Professionals has positioned itself to disrupt the way people use technology today, particularly by using Esri, Azure, and other innovative products and services. Quiet Professionals helps government agencies transition from on-premises infrastructure to a cloud or hybrid solution. Our company helps our clients collect and store data, structure and visualize it, and use it to quickly provide answers.
If you have the following, you are ready to order:
- A requirement
- A Statement of Work (SoW)
- Certified funding
- A DD-254 form, if classified
Please review the video and instructions and contact us if you have any questions.
How to Find Quiet Professionals via the GSA Schedule
In this example, we will use the Quiet Professionals GSA schedule to purchase an ArcGIS license from Esri.
Government customers can also purchase these licenses using sole source justification, that is, procurement by noncompetitive proposal. However, sole source justification requires the completion of more paperwork than the GSA Schedule does.
Please note: clicking on images will pop up a larger view.
How to find Quiet Professionals Products on the GSA Schedule:
1. Go to the GSA eLibrary at www.gsalibrary.gsa.gov.
No account login is needed to perform market research.
2. Locate the Search field and type “Esri” in the field.
3. Click the Search button.
The Search Results Summary screen should appear.
The Contractor/Manufacturer matches Source should list the “MAS Multiple Award Schedule, and below that the Keyword matches Source should list the “MAS Multiple Award Schedule” by Special Item Number (SIN).
4. Go to the Contractor/Manufacturer matches section in the Description column and click on “Esri.”
The Manufacturer Information screen should appear.
Under the manufacturer name, the Schedule Contractor column will include all contractors authorized to resell that manufacturer’s products via the GSA Schedule.
In this case, Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc (Esri) and Quiet Professionals, LLC are listed. Esri is a large business; selecting Esri will not satisfy a requirement to use a small business requirement.
Quiet Professionals is a Service-Disabled, Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB). As a small business, we can process orders faster, especially when the order is under the $250,000 simplified acquisition threshold.
5. Click on the text for Quiet Professionals.
The Contractor Information screen should appear.
The Quiet Professionals GSA MAS Profile should appear. This profile includes everything needed to request a solicitation or a direct award contract.
SDVOSBs can be awarded single direct award contracts up to $5 million.
This section includes the contract number, contractor name and contact information.
Our mailing address is:
Quiet Professionals
2701 North Rocky Point Drive, Suite 500
Tampa, FL 33607-5998
Our general telephone number is 813-902-3557.
To reach Mr. Kryszewski directly, call 813-902-3557 ext. 102.
To make an order or ask questions about an order, email us at contracts@quietprofessionalsllc.com.
For more information about our company, including our areas of expertise, business information, and updates, see www.quietprofessionalsllc.com
The primary North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for the contract is listed on the Contractor Information screen. Each SIN falls under its own NAICS code. Following the MAS realignment of 24 older GSA schedules, each SIN now falls under a related NAICS code.
How to Read the Federal Supply Schedule Document
6. Click on the document file image under the Contractor T&Cs/Pricelist column.
The Quiet Professionals GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Federal Acquisition Service Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Price List document should appear as a downloaded Word/.doc file. The MAS Contract number is 47QTCA18D006F.
This document is Quiet Professionals’ Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) and includes everything needed to acquire Quiet Professionals’ products and services through a direct purchase at the GSA Advantage website (www.GSAAdvantage.gov).
The FSS shows the contract number (47QTCA18D006F) and contract period (February 1, 2018, through January 23, 2023), the available SINS and corresponding category information:
- SIN 518210C: Cloud and Cloud Related IT Professionals Services
- SIN 541370GEO: Earth Observation Solutions
- SIN 54151S: Information Technology Professionals Services
- SIN 511210: Software Licenses
- SIN OLM: Order-Level Materials
SIN 518210C: Quiet Professionals is proud to provide cloud computing services at every level of security classification.
SIN 541370GEO: Earth Observation Solutions includes Esri technology, data visualization, geographic informational systems, advanced data analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML), and more.
SIN 54151S: For core information technology needs, such as help desk support, network or systems engineering, software development, website creation and design.
SIN 511210: For software licenses, specifically Esri’s ArcGIS.
SIN OLM: Used to add additional products in support of another SIN; this replaces the FAR 51 Deviation. It cannot be awarded by itself; only one third of a total order can be designated to the OLM SIN.
The FSS also shows the business address and points of contacts as well as our SDVOSB status.
The FSS shows our primary partners. Quiet Professionals is a Microsoft Gold Cloud Platform provider for both commercial and government customers, and an Esri Silver Partner and only one of three authorized GSA resellers.
7. Scroll to the next page of the FSS.

The document should display the Table of Contents.
Additional information needed to order products will be found in Section 2.0 Information for Ordering Officers.
This section contains the information that contracting officers, contracting specialists, and ordering officers need to award a contract or enter a purchase order with Quiet Professionals.
This section contains a template for an agreement between a GSA Contract holder and their customer, stating that the customer wants a certain product and giving the price they expect to spend. It does not commit either the government or the company. For ease of acquisition, it acts as a precursor to a contract. When it is time to acquire the products or services, it is much simpler, because an agreement about expected pricing is in place. The purchase agreement does not obligate actual purchase.
Section 5-1.0 shows the different labor categories for the SIN, including the name of the labor category, minimum experience and educational degree, and description.
Section 5-2.0 gives the price list for SIN 518210C, including SIN, labor category, and prices.
The prices listed are a ceiling price negotiated by the GSA as an initial price. Companies on the GSA Schedule are available to negotiate a different price.
Quiet Professionals balances the best products and services at the best price; providing exceptional value is how we retain customers. We encourage you to contact us directly to discuss any pricing concerns.
Section 6.1 through Section 7-2.1 give the labor categories and price lists for SIN 541370GEO Earth Observation Solutions and SIN 54151S: Information Technology Professionals Services.
12. Turn to Section 8.0 Education Substitution.
Quiet Professionals allows for substitutions between education and experience, with each formal degree (e.g., Bachelors, Masters, or Ph.D.) substituting for four years of experience, and vice versa.
Quiet Professionals licenses many types of Esri software. Section 9.0 shows the software licensing price list for Esri products.
For our example, we will be walking through a purchase of licenses for Esri software.
How to Order Products and Services via GSA Advantage
Note: Log into the GSA Advantage website before proceeding.
14. Go back to the GSA eLibrary (www.gsaelibrary.gsa.gov).
Return to the Contractor Information screen (Step 5).
The right-hand side of the screen under Category lists the SINs. Category 511210 is for software licenses.
15. Under the View Catalog column, click on the GSA Advantage! button for 511210.
A window for GSA Advantage! Search Results – Products should appear.
The GSA Advantage! website (www.gsaadvantage.gov) is an online store for GSA purchasing. It is searchable by product, service, or company (including Quiet Professionals).
In this example, the GSA Advantage! button is a link to the various types of software licenses available from Quiet Professionals.
16. To find a particular product, enter a key word such as “ArcGIS” into the Search within field.
Searching via the Search within field limits the search results to every type of ArcGIS software that Quiet Professionals is authorized to sell.
The resellers that are listed on the GSA Advantage website must be vetted and approved to be authorized as resellers.
For our example, we will look at an ArcGIS Maritime Charting for ArcGIS Desktop Single Use Perpetual License (APL041).
The entry shows the Mfr or Manufacturer is Esri.
The Contractor is QUIET PROFESSIONALS. The entry gives the contract number in the contract# field. In the includes field, identifiers of the type of business are listed: s for small business and dv for disabled veteran.
17. Click on the name of the product at the beginning of the product entry.
A page for that product, in this example PERPETUAL SOFTWARE – ARCGIS MARITIME CHA, should appear.
Within the top section of the product page are fields for Manufacturer’s Part Number (Mfr Part No) and so on, including the Country of Origin field.
Quiet Professionals’ products and services are United States Trade Agreements Act (TAA) compliant and Buy American Act compliant.
To the far right of the same section is an icon that reads Disaster Purchasing Items. This means that the product or service can be sold via GSA Schedule to facilitate recovery from a declared disaster.
Another icon shows that Quiet Professionals is a VA Verified SDVOSB, or Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business.
18. Scroll down the page to the Price section.
The Price section gives the price of the item. The Qty field gives the number of items to add to the cart, just as on a commercial shopping site. The number defaults to 1.
19. Scroll down the page to the Compare Available Sources section.
In the interest of fairness, the GSA Advantage website provides a comparison section showing the prices of the same item from other sellers.
20. Add the product to the cart by clicking the Add to cart button.

The Shopping Cart page should appear automatically, with the item added to the cart.
The item name and quantity should be listed.
Clicking on the Get quote on eBuy switch will send a request to the vendor, with no additional steps.
21. To negotiate a different price, contact the vendor (Quiet Professionals) via email, phone, or the website contact form.
The vendor (Quiet Professionals) should provide you a new, negotiated prices as well as an authorization or “coupon” code.
The vendor information is available in Step 5 in this set of instructions, or you can contact us using the following information:
Our mailing address is:
Quiet Professionals
2701 North Rocky Point Drive, Suite 500
Tampa, FL 33607-5998
Our general telephone number is 813-902-3557.
To reach Mr. Kryszewski directly, call 813-902-3557 ext. 102.
To make an order or ask questions about an order, email us at contracts@quietprofessionalsllc.com.
Our website contains more information about our company, including our areas of expertise, business information, and updates. www.quietprofessionalsllc.com
22. Once negotiations have been completed, click on the reduce price button.
The Price Reduction Authorization screen should appear.
23. To the far right, enter the new, negotiated price in the New Unit Price field.
Entering the authorization code confirms the price with the vendor’s purchasing officer.
24. Below the product listing is the Authorization field. Enter the authorization code given by the vendor (Quiet Professionals) in the field and press the Submit button.

The shopping cart should appear with the updated price.
25. To submit the item for checkout, click on the Get Quote on eBuy switch.

Coming Soon from Quiet Professionals
Quiet Professionals is proud to be able to bring our products and services to the government via the GSA Schedule.
We are always expanding and expect to add more products and services soon.
Coming soon:
- Professional law enforcement services.
Quiet Professionals will bring products from our company Echo Analytics Group in the realm of Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT). Our products will include OSINT training, OSINT dashboards, background checks, analytics, and more.
- Advanced Technology Solutions (ATS).
Quiet Professionals’ ATS division combines the best of Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT), geospatial technology, AI/ML, and cloud technology in the government cloud at all levels of classification. We build on top of industry leader Esri’s technology to integrate and visualize wide varieties of data to allow for better, faster, and more reliable decision-making.
- Licensing for more software products.
We will soon be offering licenses for IBM Security i2 Analyst’s Notebook as well as a range of Blue Light products, as well as training for those products.
Purchasing products and services from Quiet Professionals using the GSA Schedule is a streamlined, frictionless experience.
If you have the following, you are ready to order:
- A requirement
- A Statement of Work (SoW)
- Certified funding
- A DD-254 form, if classified
Quiet Professionals is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) accessible via the GSA Schedule at the GSA Advantage website for ease of acquisition at the federal, state, and local level.
Contact us as follows:
Quiet Professionals
2701 North Rocky Point Drive, Suite 500
Tampa, FL 33607-5998
Our general telephone number is 813-902-3557.
To reach Mr. Kryszewski directly, call 813-902-3557 ext. 102.
To make an order or ask questions about an order, email us at contracts@quietprofessionalsllc.com.
For more information about our company, including our areas of expertise, business information, and updates, see www.quietprofessionalsllc.com